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Going Deeper with God

Going Deeper with God: A Message from Pastor JC Worley

In our walk with God, there comes a time when surface-level faith no longer satisfies the deep hunger of our souls. We begin to crave a deeper experience and understanding of who God is and a greater desire to know His purpose for our lives. Going deeper with God means moving beyond routine prayers and religious responsibilities to nurturing a heart that longs for communion with Him.

This pursuit is often shaped by moments of quietness, reflection, intentional study of the Scripture, and a commitment to the Spiritual Disciplines of prayer and fasting. We have provided this blog to guide you through each day of Deeper 21 and support your desire to go deeper in your faith walk.

The Deeper 21 Journal Format

Daily Scripture Reading

Over the next 21 Days, we will read through the book of Matthew together as a church. We encourage you to join us in reading, listening, and reflecting on these verses daily. The corresponding chapters for each day will be listed in the blog posts.

S.O.A.P. Method of Bible Study

Regardless of your experience studying the Bible, S.O.A.P. is an excellent practice for understanding the Scripture and finding application for your life today. More details and an example are provided below:

  1. Scripture: Write out the specific verse(s) that stood out to you from the day’s reading.

  2. Observation: Reflect on what stood out in the passage. Note repeated words, intriguing phrases, or new insights.

  3. Application: Consider how the Scripture applies to your life right now. Personalize the message and write down actionable steps.

  4. Prayer: Respond to God in prayer based on what you’ve learned and ask for His guidance to live it out.

Staff Reflections and Questions

Members of our GO Church staff have studied the corresponding Daily Scripture Reading and shared their insights. Their observations are meant to be a supplement, not a substitute, for your own time with God.

Pray + Believe + See

This is an area for you to list some of your main prayers for the upcoming year. Write down prayers for prodigals to return home, healing from illness, financial breakthrough, or whatever is on your heart. Keep these prayers close by in your journal and witness how God answers your prayers throughout the year.

Daily Prayer Topics

Each day includes a specific prayer topic to guide our focus on the needs of our world, nation, communities, and church. For more information on these prayer topics and how to pray for them, please CLICK HERE.

Here are the topics for the 21 days:

  • Day 1: Repentance

  • Day 2: God’s Will (Individually & Globally)

  • Day 3: Salvation for the Lost

  • Day 4: Pastors & Christian Leaders

  • Day 5: Churches & Christians Around the World

  • Day 6: The U.S. Government

  • Day 7: Local Cities

  • Day 8: The Judicial System

  • Day 9: Revival

  • Day 10: Families & Marriages

  • Day 11: Financial Breakthrough

  • Day 12: The Next Generation

  • Day 13: Those Affected by Natural Disasters

  • Day 14: Israel and the Jewish People

  • Day 15: Media & Entertainment

  • Day 16: The Business Community

  • Day 17: Schools & Education System

  • Day 18: Military & First Responders

  • Day 19: Human Trafficking

  • Day 20: Healing & Deliverance

  • Day 21: GO Church

S.O.A.P. Example

Scripture: Matthew 5:14  “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”


  • “Light/lamp” is mentioned six times in this passage, emphasizing its importance.

  • Light is the opposite of darkness.

  • “Your light must shine”—this is more of a command than a suggestion.

  • “Glorify your Father”—our actions should always point back to Him.

Application: God has chosen me to be His light in the world. This is both a privilege and a responsibility. My life should reflect God’s goodness so that others may see Him at work and desire to grow in their relationship with Him.

Prayer: God, thank You for Your grace that rescued me from darkness and brought me into the light. Help me live as a faithful witness of hope, joy, love, and peace. May my life bring You honor and glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Helpful Tips & Resources

Bible Study


Try the A.C.T.S. Model:

  • Adoration: Praise God for who He is.

  • Confession: Admit your sins and seek forgiveness.

  • Thanksgiving: Express gratitude for His blessings.

  • Supplication: Bring your needs and requests to God.

Fasting helps deepen your connection with God by disconnecting from distractions. Here are some fasting options. Please note that a fast is deeply personal and should be done in consideration of your state of health, and if necessary, with professional medical counsel:

  • Absolute Fast: No food or liquids.

  • Complete Fast: Liquids only.

  • Partial Fast: Abstaining from food from sunrise to sunset.

  • Daniel Fast: Fruits and vegetables only.

  • Non-Dietary Fast: Abstain from TV, social media, or other activities.

In 2025, you are going deeper than ever before! I believe God will restore your hope, love, and joy, and provide everything you need in the year ahead. Pastor Kimberly and I are so proud of you, and we love you!

Pastor JC Worley

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Deeper 21

Daily Blog | January 1-21
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