Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”
In this context, Jesus was extending an invitation to those in need of Him. He begins with saying, “Come to Me”, a call to those who do need relief, but also a call to action if they desire rest in Him. Many are heavy-laden and burdened, and though God is loving and compassionate, He will not force himself upon those who do not want to receive him (Luke 15:11-32, Revelation 3:20, Jeremiah 29:13). In order to come to Him, we must first learn to trust in Him.
When Jesus is mentioning His “yoke”, He was referring to a physical tool that connected an animal to something that they were carrying/a load. It is used here as a metaphor, showing a sense of connection, collaboration, and cooperation. When training an animal to plow, ancient farmers often would yoke the younger animal to a more experienced animal that would carry the majority of the weight. Likewise, when you come into alignment with Jesus, He will teach you the ways of living that bring rest and peace. He is saying that His yoke is not one of slavery, but of freedom, joy, peace, wisdom, knowledge and contentment. His yoke is easy and his burden is light because he isn’t letting you bear it alone, but He bears it with you.
As you reflect upon your current heart state, take a moment to ask yourself and honestly answer some of the following questions:
Do I truly trust in God, believing that when I come to Him, He will meet me with love and truth, instead of shame and condemnation? Am I trying to bear the weight of my burdens instead of allowing Him to lift that burden with me? What is holding me back from trusting in Him more?
What areas in my life are coming before truly “resting” in the presence and love of God? How can I begin to practically make this a priority?
What am I feeding my soul that may be causing me to feel unrest? What is worth sacrificing to be able to enter into true, genuine rest? (Social media, television, music, friends, etc.)
Brooklyn Deese
Worship Coordinator (SMATL)