Matthew 5:23 Therefore, if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.
Reconciliation is not just an afterthought in Jesus’ teaching - it’s a priority. In Matthew 5, Jesus emphasizes that our relationship with others directly impacts our relationship with God. Before we can come before Him with offerings of worship, we must first make things right with those we’ve wronged or who have wronged us. We must love our neighbor as ourselves.
This is not just about resolving conflict but about healing broken relationships. True reconciliation requires humility, forgiveness, and a willingness to take the first step toward peace. Jesus teaches that this is an essential part of living out our faith and having the right relationship with our fellow brothers and sisters in faith.
When we harbor hate, anger, even mild feelings of resentment towards others, we are doing so against a child of God. How can we have a right relationship with our Father if we hate his children? As followers of Christ, we are called to display God’s love, which is patient, kind, and holds no record of wrongs (see 1 Corinthians 13).
As Paul instructed, I challenge you today to examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5) and search your own heart. Are there relationships in your life that need healing? I urge you to take that step today. Seek forgiveness, offer grace, and make peace. Remember, feelings are deceptive and forgiveness can be hard, so be careful to not simply go off of what feels “right”. Instead, pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you through what He is telling you to say and do. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing that frees us to be fully prepared to worship and serve God better.
Reflection Questions:
Who in my life has offended me?
What can I do to forgive and be reconciled with someone who has offended me?
Alex Miller
Creative Media & Marketing Director