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Right after his baptism, Jesus was led into the wilderness to fast food and water for a period of 40 days. At the end of this fast, in perhaps Jesus' weakest moment, the devil came to tempt him to sin against God. Jesus faithfully resisted the temptation, overcoming the devil, and then the angels came and comforted Him. After this whole experience, Jesus launched into full-time ministry - to heal the sick, heal the broken heart and give sight to the blind.

The thing that I find most interesting about this passage is that the devil’s tactic has not changed. Whenever we are about to step into something new - whether it is our next step in the faith, new relationship, new job, new house, or new business - we can always expect a temptation to try to pull you away from everything God has for you in this season. 


Here are three temptations that show up in this passage and in the life of a believer.

  1. We are tempted to find our approval in our abilities (v.3). 

  2. We are tempted to fulfill our appetite at the wrong time (v.4).

  3. We are tempted to let ambition rob us from the process of victory (v. 8-9). 

As you think on your own spiritual journey through temptation, take a minute to reflect on these thoughts and questions:

  1. Your identity is not in what you do but who you are. Do you know who you are? Are you seeking approval for what you do rather than who you are? 

  2. Even good things can turn sour if they are done in the wrong season. What good things are you trying to satisfy at the wrong time? Are you willing to stop doing it and trust in the Lord’s timing? 

  3. The devil tempted Jesus to skip the costly process and rule the world without the death, burial and resurrection - but Jesus knew that there were no shortcuts to ultimate victory. Are you trying to skip the process of victory in your own life? Are you willing to do the hard things the right way rather than cheating the process?  

Marcus Murchison

Next Steps Coordinator (Westside)

168 views3 comments


Mary B
Jan 03

When we face temptations as Jesus we must do as he did remind the devil that it is written. We shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We shall not tempt God and we shall worship and serve him only.


Jan 03

This is so true that Satan never has changed his tactic to tempt whenever a new season is approaching. Whenever I know that I’m drawing so close to Holy Spirit- especially at times of grief that God can only afford to comfort, I know there is some type of elevation in my devotion to go deeper. And just like you said —- Satan is right there pulling out the same garbage to tempt me and want me to change my momentum and motivation.


Jan 03

"What good things are you trying to satisfy at the wrong time?" Wow. This hits home! Thank you for sharing this encouragement, Pastor Marcus!


Deeper 21

Daily Blog | January 1-21
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