Matthew 15:28 Then Jesus said to her, “O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed at once.
In Matthew 15 we encounter a woman at the feet of Jesus, earnestly seeking healing for her daughter. She is undeterred when her cries are met with silence (Matthew 15:23). Instead of turning away in discouragement, she presses in even harder– keeping all of her attention on the Savior. She doesn’t adopt a posture of rejection in verse 24, but physically lays herself at the Savior’s feet and begins to worship (verse 25). In return, not only does she receive the intervention she seeks, but Jesus praises her saying “Your faith is great.”
We know that faith is essential to pleasing God (Hebrews 11:6). But drawing close to Him is two-pronged. It requires that we move a step beyond mere belief in God and His ability to intervene. But we must also believe that He will reward those who earnestly seek Him. The Canaanite woman not only believed in Jesus as Lord (Matthew 15:22, 25, 27), but she steadfastly appealed to Him to move on her behalf despite repeated challenges. This testing of her faith produces the kind of perseverance referenced in James 1:3, and builds a faith that is mature, complete, and lacking nothing (James 1:4). Or as Jesus describes, “A great faith.”
As you think about the faith demonstrated in your current prayer life, take a moment to reflect on these questions:
How do you respond when your prayers are seemingly met with silence?
How are you demonstrating a persevering faith? In what areas of your life are you steadfastly seeking Him to move right now? What obstacles can you identify that challenge or weaken your resolve?
What strategies or practices could you adopt to turn the perception of rejection into worship?
Kimberly Stephens
Next Steps Coordinator (Montgomery County)